Braeside Farm
Braeside is situation approximately 17km south of Merriwa, NSW on the outskirts of the Goulburn River National Park. From a maximum elevation of 388m, it takes in a northerly aspect looking back towards Merriwa and the Liverpool Range in the distance. Both Coolah Tops and Barrington Tops can be seen in the distance. The property is predominantly rich black basalt soils with areas of red clay and some sandy areas. It was once farmed quite intensively when it was part of the much larger Tunbridge Station, but has been left to recover for some time now.
Our aim is to produce excellent quality beef in a sustainable way that looks after the animals and the land we are fortunate enough to be custodians of.
Beef product and agriculture in general gets a bad rap in the media. Through understanding that the land works in complex symbiotic relationships and by managing the land as a critical resource in the production cycle of our product, we will create rich nutrient dense beef, and improve and protect the biodiversity of the environment.
Our grass is our most precious resource. It's what our animals need for sustenance and to grow. It's also what protects the soil from the damaging heat we experience during the Australian summers. It converts sunlight into food for the microbiome in the soil which in turn provides nutrients back to the plants to grow. It also prevents erosion and the soil from drying out, retaining and maintaining the small water cycle. We encourage the growth of the native grass species that are suited to the region and the soils we have.
Our animals are the product of their environment. We have selected Australian Lowlines as our breed of choice, not just because they're cute as a button, but because they are incredibly capable of good growth during the best of times and the worst of times. They are very easy to work with as they have excellent temperaments. Their smaller size has less impact on the soils